Casebook Acknowledgements

Obviously there is a great deal of thanks to give in this endeavour, but I would like to first thank all of our readers who have graciously contributed to the page. On the outset of this absolutely gigantic undertaking, this is exactly what I had wanted to achieve -- a place where information can be read and then discussed interactively between readers. Thank you for making that possible.

Next, I must give credit where credit is due to the authors of the many books I've dog-eared and torn to pieces for this research. Of course, Rumbelow, Begg, and Sugden come to mind immediately, and they played no small part in the creation of the Casebook, but I would especially like to thank authors such as Shirley Harrison and Scott Palmer who have written recent works which have helped me immensely in this project.

And thanks to the man without whom this page could not have been born, Mark Dooling. He was gracious enough to provide webspace for this project and since then we have formulated quite a successful relationship.

Last, but definitely not least, thanks to Kristin Sara Rozic, who has inspired me at great lengths since I've known her these past ten years, and who, by overcoming her own height handicap, has reminded me time and time again that anything is possible. (Gotcha Kristin.)

Thank you.

Stephen P Ryder

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